CIVRO series is Super-end product, developed based on Profile Aluminum thermal break from Civro (Germany) + Break thermal Teachnoform Bautec (Germany) + Cmech hardware (US) + Sobinco hardware (Belgium) with many superior features.
CINAL series is High-end product developed based on Profile Aluminum non-thermal break from CIVRO (Germany) + Sobinco hardware (Belgium) or CMECH hardware (USA), create the window & door of high-end class but optimal in price.
Synchronous accessories system includes: High-end hardware, high pressure corner connect, EPDM gaskets, specially designed plastic details ... to help the window and door to operate with thermal insulation performance very high.
Address: Schweinfurter Str.7,97080 Wurzbürg Germany
Phone: 0906 965 333
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